Art Direction, Graphic Design, Editorial Design, Publication, Risograph

ISBN 978-986-97588-0-2
Limited Edition
1st︎︎︎May 2019
2nd︎︎︎June 2020
3rd︎︎︎September 2022
ISBN 978-986-97588-0-2
Limited Edition
1st︎︎︎May 2019
2nd︎︎︎June 2020
3rd︎︎︎September 2022
It took 850 days, 74 tubes of soy ink, 15 colors, 660 masters, 690,000 sheets of paper, 3 fans, 2 riso printers, and 4 people to complete a book – a 360 page book that only talks about 1 thing. The thing that is always the most fascinating is “Process”. The processes and experiences that did not have the chance to appear in the pages of this book can only be quantified, converted, and recorded into words.
NO MAGIC IN RISO is the result of 2 years of image separation studies and experiments, and is the second book published by O.OO. Instead of using wordy descriptions, we hope that readers can feel the wonders of Risograph printing through the details of the design in the book. Whether you are a designer, an artist, or an illustrator, anyone interested in color can use this book to enter the field with ease.
The methods discussed in this book are not the one and only, and are not absolute. Everyone’s way of experimenting is different, and this book just offers our experience as a tool. Without the participation of people, the technology is plain and void of charm. Thus, the title NO MAGIC IN RISO.
透過850個日子、74罐大豆油墨、15個顏色、660個印刷版、69萬張紙、3支風扇、兩台印刷機、四個人去完成了一本書 , 一本360頁都只講一件事的書。最迷人的永遠是「過程」 , 那些沒有機會出現在這本書裡的過程 , 最後只能將它量化後 , 轉變成文字去紀錄著。
NO MAGIC IN RISO 是經過兩年的影像分色研究實驗的結果 , 也是O.OO時隔3年後出版的第二本書 , 比起冗長的文字敘述,我們更希望透過書中設計的細節 , 讓讀者用直覺去感受Risograph印刷的巧妙之處 , 不管是設計師、藝術工作者、插畫家 , 任何對色彩有興趣的人都能透過這本書以更輕鬆的狀態走進這個領域。
這本書裡提到的方法沒有絕對也不是唯一 , 只是實驗的方式不同 , 它能提供給的只有經驗。在有人的參與之前 , 技術本身是沒有魅力的 , 所以NO MAGIC IN RISO。
15 colors risograph printing, foil stamping
360pages + 10 sheets of tritone color chart
NO MAGIC IN RISO is the result of 2 years of image separation studies and experiments, and is the second book published by O.OO. Instead of using wordy descriptions, we hope that readers can feel the wonders of Risograph printing through the details of the design in the book. Whether you are a designer, an artist, or an illustrator, anyone interested in color can use this book to enter the field with ease.
The methods discussed in this book are not the one and only, and are not absolute. Everyone’s way of experimenting is different, and this book just offers our experience as a tool. Without the participation of people, the technology is plain and void of charm. Thus, the title NO MAGIC IN RISO.
透過850個日子、74罐大豆油墨、15個顏色、660個印刷版、69萬張紙、3支風扇、兩台印刷機、四個人去完成了一本書 , 一本360頁都只講一件事的書。最迷人的永遠是「過程」 , 那些沒有機會出現在這本書裡的過程 , 最後只能將它量化後 , 轉變成文字去紀錄著。
NO MAGIC IN RISO 是經過兩年的影像分色研究實驗的結果 , 也是O.OO時隔3年後出版的第二本書 , 比起冗長的文字敘述,我們更希望透過書中設計的細節 , 讓讀者用直覺去感受Risograph印刷的巧妙之處 , 不管是設計師、藝術工作者、插畫家 , 任何對色彩有興趣的人都能透過這本書以更輕鬆的狀態走進這個領域。
這本書裡提到的方法沒有絕對也不是唯一 , 只是實驗的方式不同 , 它能提供給的只有經驗。在有人的參與之前 , 技術本身是沒有魅力的 , 所以NO MAGIC IN RISO。
15 colors risograph printing, foil stamping
360pages + 10 sheets of tritone color chart
︎︎︎SP cover of NO MAGIC IN RISO 3rd edition

︎︎︎Details of NO MAGIC IN RISO

︎︎︎tritone color chart (attachements)

︎︎︎4 different cover of NOMAGIC IN RISO

Art Direction, Graphic Design,
Editorial Design, Publication,
Lu ihwa, Liu Yuxian
Lu ihwa, Liu Yuxian
Lu ihwa, Liu Yuxian,
Pamina Reisinger, Wang Vivian
Lu ihwa, Liu Yuxian
Lu ihwa
Art Direction, Graphic Design,
Editorial Design, Publication,
Lu ihwa, Liu Yuxian
Lu ihwa, Liu Yuxian
Lu ihwa, Liu Yuxian,
Pamina Reisinger, Wang Vivian
Lu ihwa, Liu Yuxian
Lu ihwa