︎︎︎Bad Babe by Limi
Art Direction, Album Design, Graphic Design, Typography

Sent by 9m88
Album Design
Album Design
9m88's third album, Sent unfolds as a contemporary meditation on love and life, uniquely conveyed through the art of letters. The album encapsulates the emotional journey of leaving behind the worst aspects of oneself in the past and generously sharing the best with others. Sent is a sincere letter sent to everyone currently enduring trials in their hearts, a postcard that traverses oceans, carrying the authenticity, madness, depth, and freedom of 9m88.
9m88 的第三張個人專輯 Sent 是一場現代愛情和人生的冥想。專輯以書信的形式傳達了將最差的一面留在過去,將最好的一面分享給他人的情感旅程。Sent 是一封真摯的信,寄給所有在正在歷經心中磨難的大家,這張遠渡重洋的明信片,承載了88的真誠、瘋狂、溫柔和自由。
9m88 的第三張個人專輯 Sent 是一場現代愛情和人生的冥想。專輯以書信的形式傳達了將最差的一面留在過去,將最好的一面分享給他人的情感旅程。Sent 是一封真摯的信,寄給所有在正在歷經心中磨難的大家,這張遠渡重洋的明信片,承載了88的真誠、瘋狂、溫柔和自由。

Sent by 9m88
Art Direction, Album Design,
Graphic Design, Typography
Lu Ihwa
Lu Ihwa
Jazz Baby co., Ltd.
Art Direction, Album Design,
Graphic Design, Typography
Lu Ihwa
Lu Ihwa
Jazz Baby co., Ltd.